Missing element of retroBŁYSK


Welcome in a little different form than usual.

For some time we wanted to start an adventure with a blog and we’ve finally done it. Creating a new look for the website is a great time to create something new, something that complements it.

From now on, all those who enjoy watching our work and want to learn more, find inspiration and see how all sorts of reports look from our perspective will have this opportunity. There will be a lot of photos, interesting and useful information (we at least hope that we will not get you bored – if so, let us necessarily know). We hope that each of you will find a piece for yourself here.

In the meantime, we invite you to subscribe to the newsletter, thanks to which you will be able to keep up to date with each new post. Make yourself happy, we will be pleased if you stay with us for a long ♥️


Fotografia ślubna Łódź
Fotografia ślubna Łódź
Fotografia ślubna Łódź

Below you can see the backstage from one of our sessions in the mountains. Let us know what you think.

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We own the NAXvision brand which specializes in professional projects for companies. If you are an entrepreneur and you want to get acquainted with our portfolio, please visit NAXvision.com


Jesteśmy właścicielami marki NAXvision która specjalizuje się w profesjonalnych realizacjach dla firm. Jeśli jesteś przedsiebiorcą i chcesz zapoznać się z naszym portfolio, zapraszamy na stronę NAXvision.com